Hello Everyone and Welcome,
There are three things you need to do before you start to earning money online:
1. You should get an e-gold account: 
2. You should get an Alertpay account: 
3. You should get an Alien Trust account.
4. That's all you have to do to start earning=)!!
Before you do so, let me explain how this works, and what e-gold, Alertpay, and Alien Trust actually are and how you'll earn.
All 3 work together, and you cannot earn without having them. Why? e-gold and Alertpay are both payment processors. One is for withdrawing, one is for funding your bank, and one is for making money!! When you start, you get an e-gold account (that is where Alien Trust will pay you every Friday, and that's why you need to have an e-gold account before you sign up for Alien Trust because you need your account number to fill in when signing up!) When your e-gold account recieves a payment, you need another payment processor (Alertpay) which will convert the "gold" into a money order, check, or transfer it directly to your bank account.Ok, with that being said, Let me talk more about Alertpay. (All three accounts are totally free to create.)
I said earlier you need all three. Later when you get into this, you will want to fund your Alertpay account if you want to make more money. This is what I do now after learning about this.(You can still do it for free and try it out if you still don't believe me.)
Here are 2 scenarios. First the free one, and then the one where you fund your Alertpay.
1. Ok. So you want to try this out for free, right?? Well, go ahead, sign up for e-gold right now, and then for Alien Trust (order is important like I stated before!!) Now, once you signed up for alien trust (this is where you make your money just for surfing) log in under "Enlist Now." Now go to "AD VIEWER" and it will open in the same window with a gret bar on top, and a 15 second timer. When the timer is "0", press "Next Site". You do this until you viewed 25 websites. However, to earn, you HAVE to click "Survey This Ad URL" just one time, in one of the 25 websites (sometime before the 25 are over). Click "Vote", and the back to "Ad Viewer" this will start where it ended, and soon the 25 sites will be over. After that, where the timer was, click on take survey. It is 5 questions, just what you liked about the site you "voted for". All drop down, you don't have to write a thing, submit it when you're done, and now you have $0.50 for free.
You need to upgrade in Alien Trust to make money, with minimum $8. So if you still want do it for free, just surf everyday like i said, voting once, taking the survey at the end(you have to take it to earn!) And after 16 days, you will have $8!! Now, just go to Buy Ads, and buy one upgrade (1 upgrade=$8)
*IMPORTANT - When you have enough money to upgrade, go to Increase Ad Buy, and upgrade there with your $8 and make sure you put ANY url in Ad Url. This is a must, or the admin will delete your account. You can put any site you like at all, it doesn't matter!!
One upgrade lasts 13 days, and you earn $10 of whatever money you upgrade with!! So you earn 130% of your investment, in just 13 days. So if you put the $8 in, you will have $10.4 in your account in 13 days. You need $35 to cashout to e-gold (that is why you should fund your Alien Trust account with some money from Alertpay, so you get to $35 a lot faster), and from e-gold, it's real easy to transfer it over to alertpay, and then to your bank or get a check, up to you!!
Ok So that was the FREE scenario if you don't want to spend one cent!!
2. This is what I use now and I make a good amount of money=)
This is a simple example with lets say $100.
Let's say you upgrade Alertpay after signing up for it with $100, and then you upgrade your Alien Trust. You will get 10% of $100 for 13 days. That's $10 x 13 days = $130 !! Now that's WAY over the minimum $35 cashout, and you get 130% back in just 13 days!! Imagine what a $1,000 will do!! It'll be $1,300 return in 13 days, $300 profit!! (You can ALWAYS still earn for free though using the first method!)
This is all!! I hope I helped some of you out there understand something new to you=) This is honestly the best and easiest way to generate money I know of so far and it works 100%! I wish you all good luck, and if you need any help or have any questions/confusion about this, just e-mail me at [email protected] !!